Advocating for Women Across New Mexico

Abortion is Healthcare


Abortion is a considerable decision. Pregnant people deserve the best available medical care, and access to objective, reproductive services.

In the United States, there are several centers that are not medically licensed to support these decisions for women, rather steering women away from the proper resources and access. In addition to the lack of proper medical care, Crisis Pregnancy Centers are often using technology to block and collect information of a patient to redirect towards their clinics. 

Our intent is to help you understand what to look out for to avoid misinformation, along with providing you access to appropriate resources.

Beware of Deception

CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTERS (CPC) are anti-abortion organizations that seek to reach low-income people facing unintended pregnancies to prevent them from accessing abortion and contraception. CPCs advance this mission by using deceptive and coercive tactics and medical misinformation and misleadingly presenting themselves as medical facilities. The modern CPC industry, a well-resourced arm of the global anti-abortion movement, is rapidly expanding while evading public accountability, despite increasing reliance on public funds.


What to look for:

  • CPCs provide virtually no medical care
  • CPCs routinely promote false medical claims and deceptive practices
  • State funded CPCs are more harmful than privately funded centers
  • CPCs appear to be local but are a part of a global anti-abortion network
  • CPCs take advantage of financial insecurity and inadequate support to vulnerable pregant people

Authorized Abortion Clinics in New Mexico

Information on Clinics and Resources:

Abortion Funds:

New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

Lilith Fund
Helps people pay for an abortion when they can’t afford it

Fund Texas Choice
Serves pregnant people who are seeking abortion-related services and information

Indigenous Women Rising

Articles and Resources

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